Monthly Archives: April 2014

“It was exactly what I needed, and ultimately, a requirement”…

“Julia’s fearless and direct approach is precisely what is needed when one must dive into the “darkness” within themselves. She has an amazing gift.  It takes you into those places we so often refuse to go, but know that we must.  With her ability to pinpoint the issues we struggle with and place them directly… Read more »

“Julia has a unique way of conveying a message in very subtle ways that the soul can recognize…”

“Shadow work has helped me better integrate the whole of who I am. I used breath work and other modalities as mediums to bring healing and awareness into my life. Although it helped me uncover much of what was hidden in my subconscious, I was still suffering greatly.  I was feeling fragmented, confused, and unbalanced…. Read more »

“The result: authenticity in being, deep understanding of life as it is, and the knowledge that we can transform and heal our self and the planet…”

“Shadow Work is the most important and significant work of my life. The dedication required to look at ALL aspects of my being, ALL the time, is challenging, but the only way to peace. There is much drama and trauma in the world. Learning and practicing skills to see clearly through chaos and cultivate compassion where… Read more »

“As a psychotherapist I now integrate the concepts into my work with clients that are ready and willing to face themselves…”

“Shadow Work with Julia George, has been a life altering experience.  Gaining the courage to face all parts of myself and my projections from the past is what has allowed me to live in peace regardless of the chaos that exists around me.  I learned to create the life I want and stop expecting those… Read more »

“For 38 years I had been burying problems and denying them the conscious space they deserve…”

“I first contacted Julia when my wife and I first separated, from the recommendation of two very close friends. Julia’s approach was welcoming and she helped guide me in a non-threatening but truthful and enlightening process to deal with my dark repressed self. For 38 years I had been burying problems and denying them the… Read more »