I wasn’t paying attention to anything in my life; I was just existing. I was 23 years old. Julia and I worked together and had regular conversations that snapped me into reality…the reality that I was living in such a way that I wasn’t taking care of myself. It was then that I started my journey.
I was intrigued by Julia’s absolute honesty in conversations like what it means to feel things… to realize that all the pain that we go through is nothing more than our own doing…the way we choose to stay stuck with the familiar rather than embrace the different and potentially life-changing choices of the unknown. I had close friends or people that I considered very close but no one ever spoke to me the way that Julia did. I had to find out more.
Every human needs to heal their soul. Shadow Work is the deepest and most thorough way to get to the heart of the soul.
The people in our lives are here to show us our self. We are hurt and neglected and we can learn to accept our selves fully. We can be independent and not seek the approval of others. I’ve finally gotten to know my shadow and begin to make peace with it. To accept that it is part of me. That I am perfectly imperfect.
Learning to let go and detach has been very difficult for me but has also been one of the most liberating lessons. Who is little Steve and taking care of him. I’m looking at all of my relationships and seeing how I show up for each one of them.
It’s almost impossible to look into the darkness of yourself and see. But when you have guidance that shines light, you can’t look away. Once you see what’s operating in the dark you can no longer ignore it.
With all that I’ve learned there is still always more. As I look at my life now and see how far I’ve come I know that the possibilities are endless. This work doesn’t work if you are not applying it to yourself.
I have come to realize that I am loved and supported by my friends and the universe. That all of this is my creation and that I can handle anything as long as I’m alive. Doing the work of accepting who I am and loving myself just the way that I am.
Julia has shown me myself through her. I am grateful to have met her and be able to call her my sister. Our healing is eternal. Thank you, Julia and for all that you have shown me and continue to reveal.
Steve C. ~ Photographer & Digital Media Expert
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